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Galeria Aniela specializes in selling ART
and quality
The Art of Giving
Quality Service
Shipping Worldwide
f you LOVE quality
Art of
you want is at
Galeria Aniela
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material at those sites, or any associated organization,
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Although Galeria Aniela believes that its
expectations, estimates and forecast outcomes are based
on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that
they will be achieved. They may be affected by a variety
of variables and changes in underlying assumptions that
are subject to risk factors associated with the nature
of the art business, which could cause actual results to
differ from those expressed herein. All references to
dollars ($) are to Australian currency, unless otherwise

Sir David Attenborough
Art-buyers should make own research and rely upon their
own enquiries before deciding to acquire a work of art
of the artist they admire.
Nothing in our website should be taken as
a recommendation to purchase. The material on this site
may include views or recommendations of third parties,
which do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Galeria Aniela, or indicate its commitment to a
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Readers should not act solely on the basis of the
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general comments only and do not constitute or convey
advice per se. Also, changes may occur quickly. We
recommend that formal advice be sought before acting in
any of the areas covered in this website.

Bob Hawke
Blanche D'Alpuget,
Jamie Boyd,
Helena Boyd
Photo right:
The information provided is intended as a
guide only, and in no way replaces a professional advice
of a legal advisor or a licensed commonwealth valuer. Do
not rely solely on the information provided, ensure own
studies, inspections, and surveys through completeness
of searches and its accuracy.
There is no guarantee that a purchased
work of art will appreciate in its value or achieve
valuation price at auction or through being sold
privately or on consignment. Forecasts, projections,
current and historical art prices, and statements of
opinion contained in this document and our site are only
statements of presently held beliefs. They may prove

The past performance is not always indicative of the
future performance, neither galleries, auction houses,
its subsidiaries nor do its associated companies either
directly or indirectly guarantee a return. To satisfy
yourself build your own knowledge and follow your heart.
Our website use terminology that is as neutral as
possible in order to reach a wide range of audience,
collectors, art admires, educators and art lovers. While
every effort is made to keep up-to-date information,
prices may change without a prior notice and some works
on this website may not be for sale.
We spend time researching and seeking knowledge to
provide free complimentary services and share knowledge
of art.
The website
aims to offer helpful information for collectors who are
art lovers that acquire works of art for the pleasure
they give, rather than art-speculators.

Founded in 1994, Galeria Aniela exhibited
world-class artists and
hosted celebrities
such as Sir David
Attenborough, Cameron
Hon Bob Hawke,
Australian Prime Minister.
Selling quality art of impeccable provenance
Galeria Aniela
a strong
in Australia and internationally.
Galeria Aniela
provides an independent professional service
experienced guidance
representing clients best interest in the art market. We
offer friendly
that others are unable to match.
Whether you are a first-time buyer, an astute investor
or enthusiastic collector, our people focused approach
ensures an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
We welcome the opportunity to speak with you, please
feel free to
contact us
to discuss ways in which Galeria Aniela can assist you
now and in the future.

video Galeria Aniela Fine Art broker
Combining a wide network of resources with expertise
in the Australian and Global art market from
the point of the quality and the investment value, we assist
clients in all aspects of acquisitions of fine art
shipping worldwide, ensuring
impeccable provenance and
quality, helping
save time and money.

If you consider buying or selling work of
Arthur Boyd,
Brett Whiteley,
Fred Williams,
John Perceval, John
Charles Blackman,
Garry Shead
or another significant work of fine art, please
contact us.

Video Jamie Boyd, the Boyd family most important LIVING
BOYD family
in Galeria Aniela coup the
front page
Sydney Morning Herald,
Australian National NEWS ABC TV
Sunday Afternoon ABC TV.
John Perceval Retrospective won
the Australian
National NEWS ABC TV and
Charles Blackman Retrospective conquer
Art Scream
Works of art live for generations, constantly reborn in
the minds of the beholders to bring new meanings, new
dreams, new ways of seeing and experiencing the world.
Be part of this magic world of amazing fine art from the
ocean of tranquillity to
the heart, mind
and soul.
The vision of Galeria Aniela is to increase the
awareness of Australian
cultural contribution. With passion for art, hard work
and dedication, we strive for high ideals to create a
better future for the arts.
When you purchase Art
Galeria Aniela,
you make a valuable contribution to our mission of
helping artists to make a living with their creations
and together we make a difference.