Galeria Aniela
World’s Local Fine Art


Galeria Aniela specializes in selling work of renowned artists of impeccable provenance and quality

Giving Quality Service

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Buy art - value art  - sell Art


Galeria Aniela offers helpful information as a guide only for art lovers and collectors who buy art for the pleasure it gives.

Contact-us if you consider selling work of Arthur Boyd, Brett Whiteley, Fred Williams, Jeffrey Smart, Arthur Streeton, John PercevalCharles Blackman, Garry Shead, Guy Boyd or other significant work of fine art.


Buying art

ABOUT LAY-BY          Superannuation           Tax Deduction

If you love Art of impeccable provenance, the ART you want is at Galeria Aniela

Ideally buying a work of art you love for the pleasure it gives, should always take precedence over a 'pure' investment.

VIDEO: ABC TV Australian National News, The Boyd family exhibitionin Galeria Aniela open by Cameron O'Reilly Chairman Australia National Art Gallery

A carefully selected quality work of ART of impeccable provenance is worth the price you pay and may become one of your most enjoyable and viable investments.

Galeria Aniela offers a range of professional services that others are unable to match. We can find  for you a specific artwork, helping you to save time and money.

Galeria Aniela nurture buyers regardless of wealth and status, advising on purchases according to your individual interest and taste, and also may offers an interest free lay-by.

Caution is important when buying fine art. To avoid making costly mistakes, purchase ART of impeccable provenance from a reputable art-dealer.


Quality Control

Galeria Aniela strongly discriminates quality and provides assured quality-control.

We are the last bastions where serious connoisseurship meets commercialism.

We recognize the importance of the buyer's confidence in purchasing a work of art of impeccable provenance.

We advise for the collector and the investor on starting, forming and building-up art collections.

Whether you are a first time buyer, an art-collector or a strategic investor, we are committed to provide you with a friendly, clear advice.

Our people focus approach ensures an enjoyable and rewarding experience.


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Arthur Boyd in Galeria Aniela, for the first time  exhibiting together (under one roof) with family: David Boyd, Jamie Boyd, Guy Boyd, Lenore Boyd, Tessa PercevalArtists set fair prices on their creations individually by the merit (it is little to do with the costs of materials and labour required in making).

By pricing their work, artists aspire to make a living with their creations and create unbiased market values.

Once an artwork is get to the hands of the first buyer, its commercial value is largely determined by the principle of supply and demand, but it can be managed by the gallery the artist is represented or the artist's primary dealer. By doing the gallery can participate in the pricing works by artists gallery represents.

Galeria Aniela supports the artist's prices so the artists can make living with their creations. When you purchase at Galeria Aniela you get a work of art of impeccable provenance that is genuine, original and unique.

Artworks of late artists are traded at individual prices in the prevailing art collector’s opinion. History play the essential role of supplying attribution, establishing opinion and authenticating what is offered on the market - see prices famous artist's paintings.

No different than any market, a work of art is a commodity for which a market is created and maintained by financially interested parties. The market value of the art item is derived from its exchange value, the price a buyer pays for the artwork.

Individual works of art are traded at individual prices. The value placed on one artwork by the World Art Market may differ from the critical value placed on the similar artwork or the same work at different time and location. The price of work of outstanding rarity and quality can exceed all reasonable expectations.

Auction prices cannot be assumed to fairly represent the artworks value. You have to develop your eye for quality and use your own sense of art value.

Prices of art fluctuate and may differ by significant factor and vary from item to item even by the same artist and size, in the prevailing opinion of a collector. No two objects are exactly the same, prices and values vary being particular to each object and other factors which all affect prices - such as the artist's standing, the artwork's condition, provenance, and exhibition history. Also other seemingly unrelated elements may affect the artwork value - see appraisal guidelines.


Shipping worldwide

Art plays very important role in cultures of any society. Whether music, paintings or sculpture, is evident that Art, has huge impact and in a positive way it affect persons mood, emotions, can make us feel happier, calmer, or inspired.

How art benefit humanity?

Art has emotional power, it influences humanity by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time.

Art affects the fundamental sense of self, and is considered to be the source of humanity’s collective memory. We can learn about ourselves and others through art.

PHOTO: (from left) Aniela Kos, Hon. Bob Hawke Former Prime Minister of Australia, Mrs. Blanche D'Alpuget (2007)Art benefits building self-esteem it helps development and increase human Connectivity, Plasticity, Tolerance, Empathy and Feelings of Love and Encourages Creative Thinking.

Why art is important?

Art has real value to societies it stimulates economy and creates employment (i.e. museums, cafes and restaurants, National & Regional galleries, art-books, magazines, art critics, transport, shops, accommodation etc.)

We benefit from the artists legacy. Artists are the most giving human beings. They create works or art with generosity of spirit giving us enjoyment, Relieve Stress, Boosts Self-Esteem and Provide a Sense of Accomplishment.


Be vigilant important Caution when buying fine art

To avoid costly mistakes, we encourages collectors to buy artworks of impeccable provenance from dealers and galleries that deals with the artist.

Verification, inclusion in publications, is an absolute essential, ideally leading all the way back to the artist. Bargain hunting clouds the judgment, exposing susceptible shoppers to unscrupulous sellers that offer artworks that are misrepresented and of questionable provenance including bogus art.

By all means shop around and compare prices, quality and provenance, as it alters price by significant factor. Judge each piece for its own merits. However, too great preoccupation with the price is often counter-productive.

Some buyers aim to save themselves a commission or may aspire to spot a 'Sleeper’, a Misattributed Masterpieces That Earn Millions instead may acquire a fake art.

A sleeper is defined as an artwork that has been undervalued and mislabeled due to an expert's oversight and consequently is undersold at auction. Accordingly, the art object is introduced into the public art market under a wrong label. What is fake art? Art forgery is creating and selling of artworks which are falsely credited to other, usually more famous artists.

'Stories about the prevalence of fakes, shady sellers, unreliable auction practices.’ (Sydney Morning Herald, 23/08/2014)

Christie’s and the forger’s art of deception: fake painting sold to the Australia Club in Sydney

The former owner of a painting is suing Sotheby's after it was later claimed as a £10 million Caravaggio

Tucker fake shines light on Christie’s and art world mismanagement

German Art Dealer Busted Trying to Sell Fake Giacometti Sculpture

‘Fake’ pop art sold at top Nordic auction house



auction market Selling art  The Secondary Art Market
selling art

If you consider selling work of Arthur Boyd, Brett Whiteley, Fred Williams, Jeffrey Smart, Arthur Streeton, John PercevalCharles Blackman, Garry Shead, Guy Boyd or other significant work of fine art, please contact us. 

What Is the Primary Art Market?

The Primary Art Market refers to the first-time purchase of artwork, where an artwork is sold for the first time, directly from an artist or a gallery that is exhibiting the artist's work.  

What Is the Secondary Art Market?

Once an artwork is sold on the Primary Market, it enters the Secondary Market. 

The Secondary Art Market refers to the re-sale of artworks that includes private selling or an auction. It allows collectors and various players in the art world to resell artworks they own.

Handled by dealers and auction houses, the Secondary Art Market provides opportunities for art collectors and art investors (buyers and sellers).

Art Auction GLOSSARY

Reserve price is the price agreed by the seller for an item sold at the lowest to sell.

Estimates are placed strategically low to attract all bidders, auction house art specialists provide a free initial estimate of its auction value.

Vendor commission is paid by the vendor as the fee for the sale, up to 25% of the hammer price.

Hammer Price is the winning bid for the artwork (Lot) at art-auction. It is the price upon which the auctioneer's hammer falls, determining the buyer's sale price.

Buyer's premium is paid by the buyer up between 20% and 25% is charged in addition to the hammer price.

GST is paid by the buyer, it is the goods and services tax (GST is 10% in Australia) it is a value-added tax levied on most goods and services sold for domestic consumption.

Insurance  is paid by the vendor, auction houses provide secure storage and full insurance for the items throughout the auction process insurance fee can also be charged on top of the hammer price. In the event that a art lot does not sell, the reserve price is used to determine fees.

Shipping Fee is paid by the vendor and in the event that a lot does not sell the reserve price is used to determine the fee.

Copyrights Fee is paid by the vendor. Generally Viscopy Copyright for reproduction in an auction catalogue starts from AU $360 per artwork.

Re-sale Royalty  
A 5% royalty is payable to visual artists on re-sales of their work on the second transfer of ownership after 9 June 2010.
RE-SALE ROYALTY is paid by the vendor 5 % of the hummer price. Under the Resale Royalty Act a seller must pay a 5% royalty on the resale price for re-sales of works that are re-sold after June 2010. Act 2009 came in to effect in 2010, June, 8th. However for artworks sold and created before 9 June 2010, the royalty is not payable on a FIRST re-sale (if the first transfer of ownership occurs after 9 June 2010.

Example: A work completed in 2002 sold in 2008 and "re-sold" in December 2018 is the first transfer of ownership after 8 June 2010 and the artist is not entitled to a re-sale royalty. The next re-sale will the second transfer of ownership will attract the re-sale royalty.

HANDLING FEE some auctions charge the vendor a handling fee and in the event that a lot does not sell, the reserve price is used to determine the fee.

Consigning - Art specialist will advise you on the appropriate estimates and reserve for your artwork, as well as associated costs including vendor commission, illustration and copyright fees if applicable. If you decide to proceed, you will be provided with a Consignment Agreement form to sign.

Withdrawal of property - Without any prior notice to the Vendor, Auction houses reserves the right to withdraw from sale the property or to have the property listed at any auction.

What happens after the auction

Settlement - after the sale, you receive an after-sale advice listing the final bid price.

If your artwork is sold, you will be sent payment for the sold artwork approximately 35 days after the sale, provided that the money has been paid by the buyer and the funds cleared.

A summary of the sale include the cost of the commission, insurance and other fees that will have been taken out of the hammer price.

All Charges for Sold artworks are invoiced after the sale, all pre-sale agreed fees must be paid (for example, shipping, insurance, Copyright fees, vendors commission and handling fees.

If Unsold - In the event that a lot does not sell, the reserve price is used to determine the vendor fees. In the event that your artwork failed to sell, you receive a notification that it was bought-in to be returned to you, or you may be given the option of re-offer your artwork in an upcoming auction as well as adjusting the estimate and reserve price.

All Charges for Unsold items are invoiced after the sale and agreed pre-sale fees must be paid (i.e. shipping, insurance, Copyrights fees, handling costs etc).


Art purchase as a legitimate tax deduction



Tax advantages are changed regularly, to satisfy yourself please seek professional assistance to check the latest details.

Work environment requires artworks on premises to be attractive, that includes business and home office. The addition of the artwork to any office space makes the environment healthier and more attractive. Beyond enhancing almost any type of decor, artworks can also become a viable investment. Art purchases may qualify to bring Tax deductions including some business expense expenditure.

A business-owner can spend reasonable amounts of money on artworks for the workplace and in many cases can expect to take advantage of a tax write off.

Common tax deduction when Buying & selling art

There are instances in which a person who buys or sells artwork can take advantage of tax deductions and write offs. The most commonly used 'write offs' that relates to artworks involves a deduction when a person sells a work of art that has dropped in value since the initial purchase. The seller may qualify for a tax deduction or 'write off' based on the difference in value of the artwork. Business tax advantages are changed regularly so verify it with your accountant.

A Loan To purchase 

A LOAN may reduce your tax bill, the interest of your loan is deductible also, the Expenses related to the loan like (advertising, agent commission, improvement, cleaning, repair restoration, framing, insurance, legal fees on the purchase as well as the sale, travel expenses). If you decide to rent your art then your expenses may be claimed from the date the art investment first became available for rent.

Interior Design

If you are involved in interior design and you purchase artwork with the idea of using it on behalf of a client, that purchase normally will be considered a legitimate business expense. Therefore, you likely will be able to write off or deduct the cost of such artwork from your profits. Keep in mind that when you use the artwork in a decorating project, or when you sell the artwork to a client, any money you earn for that sale above and beyond what you paid for the artwork originally will be considered income for your business.

Although there are ways in which artwork can be used as a means to obtain a tax write off or deduction, the primary focus of purchasing, selling or trading in art cannot be tax-related. There are ways in which purchasing, holding and ultimately selling art can be a solid investment plan. However, in the majority cases, significant tax write off associated with art ownership is not an essential element of that type of investment.



Fine Art is 'Super Good' 


Works of art and the self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) please check the latest release of regulations by the Australian Taxation Office

Works of art can be one of a premier assets. Collecting art is enjoyable, satisfying and can be financially rewarding experience, in both the short term and the long term.

Fine art often has a better rate on return than other investments.

When setting an investment strategy, it is wise to seriously consider a work of art as an asset in your Do-It-Yourself-Super-Fund and purchase a quality work of art from your superannuation fund.

For collectors looking at diverse tax arrangements we give an opportunity to purchase a top-quality art as an alternative investment strategy instead of juggling percentages of your supper funds between 'Cash', ‘shares’ 'Local Equities', 'International Equities', 'Bonds' and 'Real Estate'.

As fine art appreciate, a carefully selected work of art may produce good increase in value.

It is wise to channel a percentage of your funds into an asset that will have capital appreciation as not all of your assets ought to return revenue on an annual basis.



Lay-by Price-Lock

A method of a purchase in which the purchaser pays regulars installments. The selected artwork is set aside until is fully paid. The purchaser collects the artwork when is fully paid - shipping worldwide

LAY-BY benefits No Interest, No service fee, No transaction fee.

Deposit 25% of the purchase price

Payments Regular monthly bank-transfers payments

Late payment Additional 15% can be charged unless a prior arrangement is made

Returns purchased artworks are excluded from being returned

Exchange purchased artworks are excluded from being exchanged

Cancellation purchased artworks are excluded from cancellations

Change of mind Artworks purchased are excluded from a change of mind

Purchased artworks are excluded from returns, exchanges, refunds, cancellations and a change of mind.
When you purchase a work of art from Galeria Aniela we immediately pay the artist, helping artists make a living with their creations.



Galeria Aniela Fine Art provides an independent professional consulting and brokerage service that others are unable to match, representing clients best interest in the art market from the point of the quality, investment value and provenance.

Founded in 1994, Galeria Aniela Fine Art Gallery and Sculpture Park has built a strong standing in Australia and overseas, exhibiting world-class artists and hosting international celebrities including Sir David Attenborough, Cameron O’Reilly and Robert James (Bob) Hawke the Prime Minister of Australia.

video Galeria Aniela Fine Art consulting and brokerage service

Combining a wide network of resources and expertise in the Australian art and Global art market, we assist our clients in all aspects of dealings in fine art, helping save time and money.

Whether you are a first-time buyer, an astute investor or enthusiastic collector, our people focused approach ensures an enjoyable and rewarding experience. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you, feel free to contact us to discuss the ways in which Galeria Aniela can assist you now and in the future.


Photo 26 November 2023: (LEFT) Aniela and Cameron Menzies at Menzies Art Brunch in Sydney


At Galeria Aniela, Fine Art refers to high-quality works by renowned artists.

If you consider selling work of Arthur Boyd, Brett Whiteley, Fred Williams, Jeffrey Smart, Arthur Streeton, John PercevalCharles Blackman, Garry Shead, Guy Boyd or other significant work of fine art, please contact us. 


Video Jamie Boyd, the Boyd family most important LIVING artist

The BOYD family exhibition in Galeria Aniela Fine Art Gallery and Sculpture Park  coup the front page Sydney Morning Herald, Australian National NEWS the ABC TV and Sunday Afternoon the ABC TV.

John Perceval Retrospective conquer the Australian National NEWS ABC TV and Charles Blackman Retrospective won Australian Art Scream SBS TV.


Galeria Aniela exhibitions on Australian National News, the ABC TV

Click on the picture


Australian National News ABC TV      Sunday Afternoon ABC TV      ABC TV National News


Works of art live for generations, constantly reborn in the minds of the beholders to bring new meanings, new dreams, new ways of seeing and experiencing the world. Be part of this magic world of amazing fine art from the ocean of tranquillity to concur the heart, mind and soul.

The vision of Galeria Aniela is to increase the awareness of Australian artists cultural contribution. With passion for art, hard work and dedication, we strive for high ideals to create a better future for the arts. When you purchase Art from Galeria Aniela, you make a valuable contribution to our mission of helping artists to make a living with their creations and together we make a difference.


Fine Art is one of the most enjoyable and viable
essential investments to wellbeing
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